Thursday, July 7, 2011

Use Those LeftOver Egg Yolks

Q: I recently made a delicious beautiful white cake for a friend's birthday. It went over so well that I'm planning on making all sorts of variations for future cakes.
However, it calls for 8 (EIGHT!) egg whites. I'm opposed to buying those cartons of egg whites, but I also hate to throw all those delicious yolks away. Any yolk-friendly recipes?
A:The classic way to use up a lot of egg yolks is custard. Lots of egg yolks, cooked gently into cream or milk with a little sugar and vanilla, makes the most divinely rich ice cream custard. You can also make hot custard sauces or baked custards, or a custard pie filling.
• Ice Cream Basics: Recipe for a Custard Base - Uses exactly 8 egg yolks! Maybe your signature dessert can be white cake with homemade custard ice cream?
• Recipe: Apple Custard Tart
• Rustic Pear Custard Pie
One other use for egg yolks is to cook them into our hot breakfast cereal for a little extra richness and protein. You can hold egg yolks in the fridge for a couple days, covered by a little water, and use them each morning in your hot cereal. See instructions for that here:

Rich Man's - pasta
Zabaglione - YUM! sauce over strawberries
Classic la Bourride - fish stew
Aioli - sauce

Want to save them?

Tips For Storing And Using Leftover Egg Yolks

Store Individually
Egg yolks need to be stabilized before freezing or the thawed product will be pasty and hard to mix. For best results store the yolks pre-measured according to future use. If the yolks will be used for sweet or dessert recipes, add 1 tablespoon of sugar or honey per pint of yolks. If the yolks will be used for savory recipes add 1 teaspoon of salt per pint of yolks. The stabilized yolks may be dropped, one egg yolk in each section of a ice cube tray and frozen. Remove the egg yolk cubes and store in a freezer style zip-lock bag. 

Thawing Frozen Yolks
All the yolks to thaw in the refrigerator for about 8 to 10 hours. 

Egg Sizes, Yields and Equivalents

Egg Sizes, Yields and Equivalents
In Place OfUseOr
4 large eggs4 extra-large5 medium
5 large eggs4 extra-large6 medium
6 large eggs5 extra-large7 medium

Or Try it in your hair for a dry, flaky scalp -- 
mix up the egg yolks with olive oil and honey into a paste...then apply to the scalp, wrap head with a hot damp towel, leave on for about 15 - 20 minutes... wash out thoroughly...
i did this once a week for about 3 weeks and no more flakes on my shoulders ever since. works better than scalp treatment shampoo i've ever tried and way cheaper too.

Or make Egg tempura paint!